Well, a month later, I am finally getting around to posting some of these. This is one of those awesomely quirky and fun festivals that makes Colorado (and funky little Nederland) so unique…I mean, really, who else can say that their town hosts a huge festival every year that involves a hearse parade, themed coffin races, a salmon slap and a polar plunge all in honor of, quite literally, a frozen dead guy in a shed? So great! These are a few of my favorites…it was so hard to narrow them down!!
PS. The Justin Beiber-themed team consists of several of our good friends (shout out to Luke, Allison, Mike and Michelle), which is why there are quite a few photos of them. They…ahem…had one too many beers before the race and pretty much embarrassed themselves, but that is really what this whole day is about anyway. Good times.