Well, this is just silly. I haven’t posted in TWO MONTHS, which is ridiculous. Life has just gotten in the way lately, and I have barely had time to just sit and breathe. But, I am happy to say that I’ve been hard at work building this new, pretty blog (I think it suits my style more than the other one, you think?) which has taken FOREVER to put together, and I’ve also landed some of my first paid shoots! Yahoo! Â So, I’d like to say “sorry” to the five people that usually read this thing and may have been wondering where I’ve been. =) This Sunday, however, I’m taking a few moments to get caught up. I love Sundays, by the way. Sundays are “reset button” days. Sundays are waffles, sweatpants, not brushing your hair, chores, groceries, laundry, homework, grading, and lunch dates. I like to use this day to just hit the reset button. To organize, to motivate, to loaf around in my frump clothes and prepare for the week ahead. Somehow, despite having little time to myself, I appreciate the rhythm on Sundays and usually feel quite productive, even though I never cross everything off of my to do list.
ANYway, I’ve been trying to make some time to actually play around with my camera, learn Photoshop and Lightroom (one word: complicated. But I’m slowly getting there), and generally figure out how to define my style and articulate what I see in my head, which has proven to be a bit harder than I thought. I guess it will come eventually. Stay tuned. So, what to do? I’m forcing myself to take photos more often, that’s what. To hold me to this, I’ve joined Project 52, a weekly photo project that assigns one photo of a different theme each week. Yes, I’m joining a little late, but who cares? I certainly don’t. So put that in your pipe and smoke it. Besides, it’s more for me than anything – a way for me to practice more and be creative in the midst of all my job and school nonsense that keeps me from enjoying any sort of relaxation or social life. Watch out for weekly photos for this project.
Here is a favorite from a shoot I did a few weeks ago…Angela Venturo is a crazy talented singer and actress and needed some headshots for some theater auditions, which is also a new adventure for her. Even though this doesn’t count as a headshot, I loved it. Angela, thank you for trusting me and good luck!! =)