happy babies. lyla + isaac

Well, it’s been a few weeks since I’ve been able to update this thing, thanks to a bunch of real-life madness, like, oh, my real job. And grad school. And other stuff, like being sick and overloaded and overwhelmed and waaay too busy. But alas, the end is near. Grad school is done as of today (two giant research papers and a presentation later). High school is done for two whole weeks after this Friday. Aside from a pile of grading, I am charging ahead to the glorious holiday break. I’ll have you know that my plans are to see how many days in a row I can wear sweatpants, to watch a bunch of movies in said sweatpants, to plow through some recreational reading, and to hit the slopes as much as possible, starting with a Vail weekend with girlfriends. I can’t wait!

In the meantime, I want to post some photos of some cute babies, because, well…everyone loves cute babies!!  Two weeks ago, Dan and I traveled to L.A. for a quick weekend to visit family and friends, and of course our niece Lyla and our little cousin, Isaac.  By the way, what do you call a cousin’s kid? I don’t really know, so “little cousin” is what I’m calling it. So deal with it.

We spent a nice afternoon at the UCLA campus oogling over these happy, delicious babies. Smiles all around.

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